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miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Chapter 8 - Skyjack!

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

The air hostess started to cry. Harald did fall the hijackers. Another hijacker left to the capitain's cabin and kick Harald. A hijacker also aimed to the Capitan. Harald was tied his hands together. The air hostess found a photo to Carl and Harald and she started to laugh a lot.

Chapter 7 - Skyjack

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

Helen Sandberg tried to trade to the hijackers. They said that their brothers are innocents, that they fight for the freedom. Helend Sandberg told hijackers that the only people that are innocent, are the people that there're into the plane.

The door's plane opened. There were a man with her hand in her head. Later, the air hostess shot them a lot of times and he fell at the floor. Coronel Carter wanted attack the plane.

Chapter 6 - Skyjack!

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

A hijacker asked for their passports, Carl couldn't show him. Harald told to the hijacker, that he's a police man and Carl is her prisioner. Later, the hijacker found Harald's passport, and the hijacker kick him.

A bell rang at the plane and a hijacker said: I've told to the Prime Minister, I've said my demands and she said that they need more time.

The man who are in front of the plane is a spy. If our brothers there are not here at two o'clock, he'll die.

sábado, 7 de enero de 2012

Skyjack! - Chapter 5

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

Helen got out the car when they arrived at the airport. Later, she went to talked with the Inspector. The Inspector told Helen to want the hijackers and how and who were the people that there're into the plane. Hijackers want, first of all, put their friends out of prision. Secondly, they wanted must refuel the plane. Thirdly, they musted put they all in the newspaper. The Governament only have got an hour to bring the prisioners else the hijackers will kill the passangers. Finally the American Ambassador’s car stopped in front of the door.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Skyjack! - Chapter 4

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

Carl saw a little airport with three police cars near it. A bell rang and man's voice spoke and said to they are prisioners and when two men vanished from the prision, they were free again. Carl and Harald talked and they said that the government doesn't make the prisioners free. Harald ask for the passport's Carl. Harald put the passport in her coffee and he ate them.

Skyjack! - Chapter 3

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

Helen Sandberg's daughter told Helen to teach the book, because he did not understand. The sat in the kitchen and talk for nearly half an hour. She was undressed when the telephone rang. It was 12.15 a.m. Later, she got out of bed. Twenty minutes later she was sitting in the back of big black car.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Skyjack! - Chapter 2

Publicado por David Vallès Vallès

Carl asked the air hostess: when will we arrive? And the air hostess answered: we'll arrive at 11.30 p.m. Carl also took a coffee. Later, Carl gave a newspaper to Harald, to show to their sons. Harold wanted a cup of coffee too, but the air hostess did not reply. She was sitting with two young men without do or say anything. That's suspicious Carl and Harold thought. Finally, the Capitan spoke and he told the passengers to landed before on another airport. Then, the air hostess came out of the cabin. She looked very different now because she had a machine gun.